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How to reclaim VAT for your purchase with Absolute Shop
What are you entitled to?
If you live in the United Kingdom and you are disabled or have a long-term illness you won't be charged VAT on products designed or adapted for your own personal or domestic use. You just have to claim back this VAT after your purchase and you will be funded the VAT amount of the order you made. In some cases people who pay for aids and appliances that are for the person with a disability can also claim the VAT refund.
Qualifying Products or Services
Products which are sold on the Absolute Store which are designed or adapted for a disability qualify for the relief.
Examples of eligible aids and appliances include:
Domestic aids, for example, eating and drinking aids
Falls Prevention Systems
Lifting seats and specified chairs
Books & Information Guides
Hoists and lifts, including stair lifts
Comfort cushions
How to Apply
To apply for a VAT refund on aids and appliances, fill in the form created by the HMRC. Click Here to download
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